Liar Liar


“Big Fat Liar” (2002) is about Jason Shepard, a precocious fourteen year old big fat liar.

Former sitcom and “Malcolm in the Middle” star Frankie Muniz plays the fast talking and conniving prevaricator who manages to get into lots of trouble at school because of his many lies.

The film revolves around a thousand word creative writing paper written by Jason called appropriately enough “Big Fat Liar”. Jason is required to turn the paper in or go to summer school.

Enroute to turning the paper in, he literally runs into narcissist and sleaze ball Marty Wolf played by well respected actor Paul Giamatti. Wolf is a big time Hollywood producer in town doing location shooting when Jason runs into his limousine.

Wolf reluctantly gives Jason a ride to deliver his paper and while getting out of the limousine, Jason mistakenly leaves his paper in the limousine.

Fast forward months later as we see Wolf announcing his next blockbuster film, “Big Fat Liar”. And we see a shocked Jason in a theater watching an upcoming trailer for “Big Fat Liar”. Turns out sleazy Wolf had stolen the storyline from Jason’s lost creative writing paper.

The remainder of the film is devoted to Jason and his friend Kaylee played by Amanda Bynes travelling to Los Angeles to confront Wolf and have him admit that he stole his idea.

Needless to say Wolf refuses and Jason and Kaylee devise a plan to get Wolf to confess that involves among other things turning him blue by putting dye in his pool. Wolf looks like a lost member of the Blue Man Group.

The film is fun filled and shows a different side of Giamatti. There are some interesting cameo roles by Jaleel White better known as Irkel as well as the Bionic man actor Lee Majors.

It’s a film that is light hearted and fun. Kinda like cotton candy-tastes sweet but not a lot of substance.

I give it two and a half flip flops out of five on my rating scale

Running time: 87 minutes

Jason Shepherd – Frankie Muniz
Marty Wolf – Paul Giamatti
Kaylee – Amanda Bynes
Monty Kirkham – Amanda Detmer
Frank Jackson – Donald Faison
Vince – Lee Majors
Mrs. Caldwell – Sandra Oh
Marcus Duncan – Russell Hornsby
Harry Shepherd – Michael Bryan French
Carol Shepherd – Christine Tucci
Leo – Sean O’Bryan
Jocelyn Davis – Amy Hill

Directed by Shawn Levy
Written by Dan Schneider